
Stand Bold in Grace: An Exposition of Hebrews is unavailable, but you can change that!

The modern church is much like ancient Israel. The old covenant people wanted to be delivered from their bondage in Egypt, but they did not want to follow Moses into the Promised Land. They just marked time wandering in the wilderness. In like manner many Christians are happy that they have been saved from the judgment of hell, but they refuse to trust God for the abundant life in their daily...

the quality or nature of His sonship. Stress is not only on what Christ said and did, but especially on what and who He is. The prophets spoke the word of God, but Christ is the word of God (John 1:1). He did not become the Son because God spoke in Him; rather, He was always the eternal Son of God. The divine revelation, communicated in and through Him, became visible, human, and personal at His incarnation and His subsequent earthly ministry. John declared, “No man hath seen God at any time; the
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